SES-V2 Modular Robot System (Smart)
SES-V2 Modular Robot System
Imagine it. Built it. Control it.TM
The latest generation of Lynxmotion’s Servo Erector Set (SES) is based around the custom designed Lynxmotion Smart Servo (LSS) Motors. These motors, together with a new generation of modular brackets, electronics and software allow for even more complex robots to be built. This system makes it even quicker and easier to design and code complex robots from robots with wheels to arms, legs and more.
The highly configurable, custom-designed Lynxmotion Smart Servo (LSS) actuators were designed to include a variety of onboard sensors (position, voltage, current, temperature, speed and more) for feedback. A human readable (duplex) serial communication protocol can operate at high baud rates and is very easy to understand and implement. LSS actuators can operate from 0-360 degrees, in multi-turn, as well as continuous rotation (wheel) and RC modes.
Instead of the previous method of designing brackets around RC Hitec servo motors, the latest mechanics use the Lynxmotion Smart Servos as part of the frame. Single wide and double black anodized aluminum brackets are attached directly to the smart servos, and various other aluminum brackets, hubs and tubing are used to create the rest of the structure. The v2 bracket system greatly reduces the number of different hardware.
The use of the Lynxmotion Smart Servo (LSS) motors created a need for new electronics. The LSS Adapter is used for many SES v2-based kits as it distributes power from either a wall adapter or battery lack, can communicate with other devices via USB or serial and can connect to third party electronics like XBee modules and Arduino shield-compatible microcontrollers. Additional electronic modules connect to the servos directly and are purpose-built for applications like 5V regulation, programmability, interfacing sensors and motors. Sample code provided for these modules allow them to be connected to and used in the same serial bus.
FlowBotics Studio was used to create much of the Windows-based software used for the SES v2 system. Additional sample code has been created for a variety of projects and there are libraries for Arduino, Python and ROS 2. Additional project-specific interfaces (ex. mechDOG) are also available.
SMART SERVO MOTORSFully configurable with sensor feedback | The Lynxmotion Smart Servo (LSS) Actuators were designed specifically for modular robotic design and construction and include a variety of integrated sensors and feedback. The human-readable communication protocol, many mounting points and configurability mean they are suitable for almost all projects and applications. |
MODULAR MECHANICSEasily build complex designs | The aluminum bracket system – anodized black for appearance, are solid, lightweight and easy to use. Brackets are intended to connect to the servos directly either to the servo case or output horn / idler. Carbon fiber tubing and hubs as well as aluminum channels. |
MODULAR ELECTRONICSDaisy chained, serial modules | The modular, smart servo-based system uses electronic modules, each serving one or more functions. Examples include the LSS-2IO (LSS “to I/O”) is an Arduino compatible programmable microcontroller board which can be used to interface with sensors or normal RC servos. The LSS-2MC (LSS “to Motor Controller”) allows control of DC motors, fans pumps and other devices to be used on the same serial bus as the servos. |
Fully configurable with sensor feedback
The Lynxmotion Smart Servo (LSS) Actuators were designed specifically for modular robotic design and construction and include a variety of integrated sensors and feedback. The human-readable communication protocol, many mounting points and configurability mean they are suitable for almost all projects and applications.
Easily build complex designs
The aluminum bracket system – anodized black for appearance, are solid, lightweight and easy to use. Brackets are intended to connect to the servos directly either to the servo case or output horn / idler. Carbon fiber tubing and hubs as well as aluminum channels
Daisy chained, serial modules
The modular, smart servo-based system uses electronic modules, each serving one or more functions. Examples include the LSS-2IO (LSS “to I/O”) is an Arduino compatible programmable microcontroller board which can be used to interface with sensors or normal RC servos. The LSS-2MC (LSS “to Motor Controller”) allows control of DC motors, fans pumps and other devices to be used on the same serial bus as the servos.
Assembly Guides
See how the parts which make up the Servo Erector Set v2 system are used to easily build a variety of complex robots.
Sample Code
Lynxmotion’s GitHub page has sample code using FlowBotics Studio, interfaces or Arduino-based code for programmable modules.
Electronics Guides
Details about the LSS Adapter as well as the various modules
3D CAD Models
Selection of parts and assemblies to help get started with creating a robot virtually in CAD.
Check out official Lynxmotion videos as well as user-generated content on YouTube.
Extensive selection of photos and CAD showing commercial and custom robots made using the SES v2 system.


HT1 Smart Servo
The Lynxmotion Smart Servo (LSS) actuator series are modular, versatile, configurable and easy to use. Metal case, gears, 360° motion and more.

LSS Adapter
Multipurpose and includes a variety of features to allow for easy connection to and control of the Lynxmotion Smart Servos.

LSS-2IO Module
Programmable, Arduino-compatible board designed to connect the Lynxmotion Smart Servo (LSS) serial bus to 3-pin RC servos and 5V sensors.

SES V2 Short C-Bracket
One of many brackets which form the SES V2 system, the C bracket is made of lightweight anodized aluminum and includes mounting hardware.