Imagine it.
Build it. Control it


Lynxmotion is one of the oldest manufacturers of robot kits, including robot arms, walking robots, tracked and wheeled vehicles, and more. We are the home of the modular robotic building system known as the Servo Erector Set.


Servo Erector Set V1 (RC)

Think of the Lynxmotion series of servo brackets as a modular building set for servos. These components are extremely versatile, making virtually any mechanical arrangement possible. It’s possible to build custom robots to your specifications! The brackets are black anodized aluminum and plastic parts are in durable black Lexan. Ball bearings at each degree of freedom provide for precise, low friction movement. The tubing, hubs and hub connectors are precision fit and really expand what is possible to build. Servo Erector Set (SES) is bordering custom robotics as it allows you to integrate third party sensors and products. 

SES-V1 Arms & Accessories

The Lynxmotion AL5 series robotic arms feature base rotation, single plane shoulder, elbow, wrist motion, a functional gripper, and several optional upgrades such as wrist rotation, vacuum suction cup. These robotic arms offer an affordable system with a time tested, solid design that will last and last. Several sizes of arms, in a variety of configurations are available.

SES-V1 Legged

The Lynxmotion Phoenix 3DOF Hexapod Robot Kit (with BotBoarduino) has a natural looking, articulate leg and body design. The three DOF (degree of freedom) leg design means this robot can walk in any direction. The robot uses 18x Hitec HS-645 servos. The combo kit includes everything you need to build a functional robot except battery and charger. Quite possibly the nicest looking commercially available hexapod out there.

Servo Erector Set V2 (LSS)

Think of the Lynxmotion Servo Erector Set (SES) V2 system as an evolution of the SES V1 system. It is a modular robot building set but instead of RC servos, the SESV2 uses Smart Servos.It’s possible to build custom robots to your specifications! Brackets are black anodized aluminum and plastic parts are in durable black Lexan. Ball bearings at each degree of freedom provide for precise, low friction movement. Tubing, hubs and hub connectors  expand what is possible to build.

SES-V2 Arms & Accessories

Lynxmotion’s smart servo based arms  include three degree of freedom (3DoF), 4 DoF and 5DoF Robotic Arms and accessories. These are intended as hobby / scale versions of industrial robotic arms and use Lynxmotion’s SES v2 electronics and hardware. Software libraries are available, and arms can be controlled using the Windows-based LSS FlowArm program.

SES-V2 Legged

The Lynxmotion  mechDOG Quadrapod is a collaboration between Lynxmotion and Mech-Dickel Robotics to create a four-legged (quadruped / quadrapod) robot “dog” with similar degrees of freedom to a mammal. This medium sized platform is intended to provide users with a smart servo based platform for indoor development and experimentation.

A4WD1 & Tri-Track Rovers

Lynxmotion offers several small rovers including the A4WD1 and Tri-Track. The 4WD1 Rover is a robust, modifiable, and expandable chassis for your RC or autonomous robot experimentation. Four metal gear motors connected to popular RC truck tires and wheels means the robot has excellent traction. The Sabertooth 2×10 R/C motor controller is suggested for control and there is plenty of room inside for additional electronics. Lynxmotion Servo Erector Set (SES) compatibility means brackets, servos, sensors and even a robotic arm can be added. Additional decks permit even more expansion and even add a Lynxmotion robot arm !

A4WD3 Rugged Rovers

Wheeled and tracked robots are still the backbone of mobile robotics and Lynxmotion offers a selection of durable and proven professional mobile platforms as part of the A4WD3 series. These rovers are general purpose mobile robotic platforms which can be used for many applications, from development platforms to surveillance and inspection and more.

UAV’s & Drones

Lynxmotion offers several UAVs including the VTail series, the Crazy2Fly, HQuad500 and Multirotor Erector Set. These drones can be used for fun flying or as autonomous development platforms. Unlike commercial drones which normally use injection-molded frames, sections of these frames can be replaced in the event of a crash. G10 and aluminum materials make these rigid but lightweight.


At lynxmotion we strive to make the best, most verstile robotic kits. We use the highest quality materials to create all of our products, components and full kits alike. We offer many complete kits, with software and programming included. This is as close to a plug-and-play experience as possible with this level of robotics kits.

Kit assembly is normally required, and we work hard to ensure the process is as painless as possible. No soldering is required; only basic tools such as a Phillips screwdriver or Allen key are necessary. Our assembly guides and tutorials are detailed, with pictures for every step. Diagrams and schematics are included where needed for clarity.

What’s Lynxmotion?

At lynxmotion we strive to make the best, most verstile robotic kits. We use the highest quality materials to create all of our products, components and full kits alike We offer manny complete kits, with software and programming included. This is as close to a plug-and-play experience as possible with this level of robotics kits.

Kit assembly is required, and we work hard to ensure the process is as pain-less as possible. No soldering is required; only basic tools such as a philips screwdriver are necessary Our assembly guides and tutorials are extemely detailed, with pictures for every step. Diagrams and schematics are included where needed for clarity.

Students Working on a Robot


Browse official and user-created videos of current and past robots. Everything from biped robots like the BRAT and robotic arms made using the ServoErector Set (SES) V1 and V2 systems, to UAVs and rugged rovers.